Kicking Cancer with God - Gail Mitchell - The Church at Cahaba Bend

I was the young age of 51 in 1995 when my world was turned upside downI was diagnosed with Colon CancerHearing that CANCER word was so devastating I could not function.  Kristi and me cried - we prayed and I thought my life was over and I was scared to death-literally! 

My family, my church family, my friends and neighbors all prayed for meEven Ministers I did not know sent a prayer up to GodI still felt lost.  

 After my surgery I was in ICU for a week having a hard time fighting this Cancer and then God gave me peaceI knew He would never leave me and He would walk hand in hand with me every step of the wayI knew then I could fight this with His help. Isaiah 41:10 “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

 I soon went home and started my chemo treatments. The first week I took chemo every day for a week and then I took the chemo once a week for 52 weeks. Everything they said would not happen, happened to meI lost my hair, my body was scalded like I was burned from a medicine, I was quarantined, I lost my taste, and I was deathly sick after each treatment and most weekends I was in the hospital.   I got through all of this for God was my rock and strength and I never forgot it. I taught First Grade at the time and never missed a day. I took my treatments on Friday afternoon and I was back in class on Monday. I would go to Church on Sunday (if I wasn’t in the hospital) with a cold rag in my pocket to wipe my face when I got sick or felt sick.

 I could not understand why God saved me from this dreaded disease and others were dying even those that I met while on ChemoLuke 4:40 “He laid his hands on each of them and cured them.

Everyone kept telling me God had a plan for me and He was not ready for me. I had no idea what that plan was and then when I had my last treatment, BAM, I knew the reasonI was not to be an advocate for Chemo because I had nothing good to say about it except it saved meThe greatest reason of all was to share God's ministry with the sick--whether they were in the hospital or home.  John 13:34-35: “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one anotherjust as I have loved you, you also are to love one anotherBy this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another. I showered them with calls, visits, cards and most of all LOVE! I wanted them to know that the love and peace that I had during my illness they could have it too. The ministry I shared with them gave me such joy and to see their eyes light up I knew without a doubt this was why God saved me! I still love this walk today.  

 I have been Cancer free for almost 26 years now. Praise be to God, who showed me anything is possible if you believe in HimMark 9:23 “Everything is possible for one who believes.  

 I have learned a lot over the years and that is if you believe in God, He is always there to guide you.  Life is hard and I have had more than my share of ups and downs, but I have peace because I turn it over to God. He does not always answer my prayers right then or even the way I want Him to, but He does make me a stronger and better person and He gives me peace. Without Him loving me I would be nothing!

 Yes, I am a Cancer Survivor, and it was quite a journey. I am proud God saved me so I could take care of others and my family. There is one thing for sure during all this I am a stronger person in my walk with GodPhilippians 4:13 “For I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me. 


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