Prayer Works - Brett and Kim Melton - The Church at Cahaba Bend

 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Matthew 6:33 

 Brett's story:  Having been raised in church, and thinking I knew the Lord at an early age.  I really can’t remember a time I did not know Him as God, but not as my God.   During and after High school I ran with the wrong crowd, experimenting with drugs and alcohol to the point that I got high on something every day.  One night I had partied with a friend until 2:00am, I was driving under great influence on the way home. The steering of my car broke while traveling at a high rate of speed.   When I realized what was happening, I was on the straightest section of the highway, and was able to stop my car in the middle of the road, drift off the highway, and park on the shoulder.  I asked myself - Did God just do that?   Did he save me?   I was instantly sober and made promises to him as I walked the mile or so home.   

Sometime later, I was still not right with God until we got the bad news.  My mother was diagnosed of breast cancer, and it was not a good prognosis.  It was the first time I had ever cried, and I begged God to extend my mother’s life 10 more years.  I had a powerful encounter with the Lord that night and felt a presence in my life I had never experienced before. I had not been faithful in church attendance, but I remember going to church and hearing a sermon but only listening to the Holy spirit tugging at my hear I was crying the whole time, worried someone would see me, and literally ran to the alter to accept Jesus as my Savior.    

Kims story:   My story is very different than Brett’s.   I asked Jesus into my heart at a young age during a revival at church.  I remember knowing, at that moment, that I wante Him to be my Lord and Savior. I could not wait to get down that aisle.  I wish I could say my life was a bed of roses after that, but it was not.  My father was an alcoholic which led to the breakup of their marriage.  My stepfather was abusive and my husband at the time had an affair and left.  I can remember hiding in my closet, as a child and as an adult, praying to God, and begging Him to help me and not leave me.  He was always there and gave me peace.  He would close doors that needed to be closed and open those that needed to open to lead me in the right direction. At 21, I was alone and terrified.  I could not go back to my church because I was embarrassed about my failed marriage.  My neighbor mentioned a non-denominational singles group in Birmingham had a 24-hour crisis line.  I went home that night and called the number she had given me and that started a new phase of my life.  I became very involved with the group, developed great Christian friends who were supportive and finally felt like God was there for me.  I began praying for a Christian roommate that would share expenses with me and that is where OUR together story begins.  Imagine my surprise when God answered my prayer by sending a husband to be my “roommate”.  God does not always answer our prayers in the way that we expect.   He knows what is best for us.

Our story:  Together, we have seen God answer so many prayers for us.  Both of our children are miracles from Heaven.  When Kim got pregnant with our son, John, she had a relatively uneventful pregnancy . We prayed for our unborn child never knowing that Kim had a medical issue that later resulted in 2 miscarriages and was ultimately repaired.  It was only by prayer that John would survive. He was a miracle. After Kim’s surgical repair,  she was unable to get pregnant again.  Kim was depressed and even though we prayed for another child we accepted that perhaps another child was not in our future. It was then that John prayed that God would give his mommy a baby.  He asked that God put it in a box under the Christmas tree.  It was not long after that that we learned that we would be having another baby (Laura).  John learned early that God answers prayers.   Laura was the answer to John’s prayer and childlike faith.  She has truly been a blessing in our lives.

Again, at age 10, John again reminded us about  the innocence of a child’s prayer.  He was injured when he fell on a pipe that was sticking out of the ground.  His left leg was severely injured.  He had immediate surgery that night and another surgery several days later.  After several weeks in a wheelchair and extremely painful procedures, the doctors decided he would have to have another major surgery.  They would have to cut the muscle from the back of his leg and wrap it around the front of his leg.  We prayed that God would please give us another option.  When we arrived for the pre-op appointment John would not let the surgeon remove the bandages and look at his leg until the doctor had prayed with us.  When the bandages were removed, it was still bad but the doctor could not believe how much better it looked and decided to wait on the surgery and give it more time to heal on its own.  John never had to have the surgery.  Prayer WORKS!! 

As parents we all pray for our children.  We pray for them, not thinking today will be the day that that they may die.  I know sometimes I get mundane.  Bless this food, protect us all today, help us to live for you today.  It can be so routine.  But on January 17, 2019, it was anything but normal.  John was headed to work as a paramedic, having received his license that morning, when a tractor-trailer crossed the median and hit him head-on.  He was in his car unable to get out and the car caught fire.  He was burning and knew there was no way the fire department could get there in time.  He knew he was going to die, but that was not God’s plan.  He answered our prayers for protection over our children.  Many people stopped and were trying to help to no avail until an individual stopped with a fire extinguisher and put the fire out.  How many people would stop to help and then just happen to have a fire extinguisher?  She was our answer to prayer.  As our church knows, John’s injuries were extensive and he is still recovering, but he is doing well.  Our Church, family and friends responded immediately and in so many ways. They prayed for our family and for John and we felt those prayers. I truly don’t know what we would have done without prayer during that time.   It is the only thing that gave us hope. God has been so good and faithful to our family.  We see him answering prayers all the time. Not only in the big ways but in our daily lives as well.  

A friend gave us a verse right after John’s accident: 1 Peter 5:10. “And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.”  Brett's mom lived not only 10 more years but 30 wonderful years.  Kim’s father has been sober since April 1, 1986 and that relationship has been restored and is stronger than ever.  We know God will restore John and use him in a mighty way.  We can’t wait to see how that story unfolds.  



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