We Want Our Crown – Can We Carry Our Cross? - Chris Blumstein


I called my dear friend, Mike Barnett, for prayer about a bad infection and resulting surgery last month.  I was complaining about the pain – after open heart, prostate removal, radiation, artificial bladder sphincter, and aortic valve replacement procedures, I have always been off any pain meds within a few days.  I was on pain meds for 30 days and lost over 30 pounds.  I was a mess.  Mike, in his understated way, simply said: “Brother, you’re suffering for someone else”.  That Rhema Word turned my thinking about myself into what He was doing in me to prepare for ministering to patients in a hospital setting.  October 12th, the day of surgery, was supposed to be my first day as a Volunteer Chaplain at Shelby Baptist Hospital. 

We hear about, read about, and study about the Cost of Discipleship, but do we really understand what it means to follow Him?  Our salvation is merely a point in time.  He wants to “season” us to become a chosen vessel to be used for His purpose.  When meat is seasoned, it softens the fibers, adds flavor, and prepares it for the heat to turn it into a delicious offering.  God seasons us by putting pressure on us in the places where we need to grow up to be of service. 

Mike further adds: “thank you Jesus for going to the cross for mankind that did it all for the redemption of mankind and in the process of our lives.  Jesus allows mankind to taste and suffer so that we can relate to mankind in the process to understand how to extend compassion and mercy to mankind!!  Then we can extend our hands and hearts to release the mercy of prayer and faith for healings and restoration of all whom we meet that is written on our scrolls!! We MUST be about the Fathers Kingdom Business.  Jesus revels in the Sons of His obedience!  We carry the purpose of the Cross, which is The KINGDOM WITHIN!!”

This process is how God relates to us in the details of our lives.  Our society is so future oriented that we forget that God is found in the minutes and hours of our lives.  We take care of the future by what we do and who we become day by day.  We must apply Colossians 1:27, Christ IN US, the hope of glory, to become the Glory that people see in an overcoming life.  Last week, I had the privilege of praying for every patient in my assigned floor.  God showed up to comfort and minister to them.  My role was to point to Him and usher His Presence to them.

We must come through our suffering, rise up with our cross, and become a conduit of His Kingdom on the earth.  Jesus came through a garden, rose again in a garden, to get us back to THE GARDEN!!!


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