You Need Prayer Warriors - Beth Menke - The Church at Cahaba Bend

My experience with prayer as a child was very basic, child like prayers and I knew my parents were members of “prayer groups” they met with regularly but that was for adults only.  It really wasn’t until High School that I started understanding the power of prayer and that prayers didn’t have to be “perfect”.

 I was very involved with my church choir as a High School student at Trinity United Methodist, Homewood.  We were a large group led by some amazing God-Filled adults that taught us so much more than music.  We traveled frequently for concerts and choir tours and always by bus.  Well, we all know that back in the 70s, most churches didn’t purchase brand new buses, they were usually old school busses and required lots of “TLC”.  Anyway, I vividly remember one trip, on our way home on a Sunday evening and one of our two buses started sputtering and our Director immediately yelled out to all of us, “Stop what you are doing and PRAY”!  She started praying out loud for the bus to get us home.  Well, the bus did breakdown and we just loaded up the second bus and made our way home.  Was our prayer answered?  Maybe not the way our young minds thought it would be but the impact of that moment made me realize Prayer is just conversation with God.  And it’s ok to pray about ANYTHING that is on your heart!

 Fast forward to our years of raising teenagers.  Shawn and I have a grown daughter and son and we went through the typical “testing boundaries” with each of them.  It was a period that the bad decisions kept coming one after the other and I’d talked myself clear out of words with our daughter.  On my way to work one morning, I was literally crying out to the Lord to help me know what to say, to help her remember who they belonged to and to think first, and that’s when I audibly heard the Lord speak to me and he said, “I got ‘em’.  I heard it as clear as day and I could have kicked myself for not crying out sooner but maybe I wasn’t ready to receive HIS Word until then.  This is where my favorite verse came from: 2 Corinthians 12:9  “Each time he said, “My grace is all you need.  My power works best in weakness.”  So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me.”

 One last experience I want to share is the impact of having a community of prayer warriors, praying on your behalf.  In 2016, we had a family event that brought our daughter home from Auburn where she was living.  The early morning after she arrived home, she woke up with chest pains but she was only 26 at the time so the idea of a heart attack was far from what we were thinking.  I left Shawn at home and she and I headed to the ER.  Some might ask why didn’t you tell Shawn but honestly, I just had this peace about the situation that whatever the outcome, we were going to be ok.  Plus, we had no idea what the diagnosis was yet so no need to worry folks until we knew more.  A few hours into the day, we started getting information that her condition was way more serious than we suspected.  Her heart was enlarged and not functioning as it should be so that’s when I started calling out to our praying friends and Shawn was reaching out to family.  Through that ordeal, I saw God’s hand at work by first, bringing her home when He did, placing medical staff in our path that we knew personally that could talk us through what was going on and friends and church family that prayed fervently for Blake and us as we walked this journey.  I won’t deny there were a few scary moments but that’s really all they were, “moments” because I knew we were being held by our Heavenly Father and being loved deeply by our family and friends who were praying along with us.


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