How Your Identity in Christ Impacts Your Ability to Have A Consistent Prayer Life - Chris Blumstein - The Church at Cahaba Bend

The foundation of our Prayer Life is the realization and acceptance of our identity in Christ.  The mindset that we are slovenly sinners must change 180 degrees!  We are sons and daughters of the God of the Universe and we have been bought with a price!  Satan’s greatest fear is that you will discover who you are in Christ, which will place him under your feet.  Romans 16:20 (KJV) says:  “And the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly. When we accept our identity in Christ, we are able to see the image of the Christ we are becoming in the mirror. 1 Cor. 13:12 (KJV) says:  “For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then I shall know even as also I am known .  When our identity is solidified in our spirits, our Prayer Life is radically changed and becomes a vital part of our existence.

The importance of a consistent Prayer life, to keep us grounded in our daily walk, is a vital tool in fulfilling our destiny in the Earth.  Prayer is mentioned in the Bible 327 times. Prayer allows us to tune into the “channel” where God is communicating to us.  We can’t hear His Voice when we are focused on asking God to provide all our needs.  He tells us that He will give us all our NEED, not all our NEEDS.  Phil. 4:19 (KJV) says: "But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus”.

To start a consistent prayer life, we must establish some habits to “open up the lines of communication”.  First, set aside a daily time and a quiet place to sit and listen for at least 30 minutes.  Have your Bible open to your favorite scripture and keep a pen and paper handy to be ready when he starts speaking.  Now, let’s be practical and not “spooky”.  When God speaks to me, it’s usually an impression in my spirit.  As I open myself up to Him, He opens Himself to me!  By spending time with Him I am helping to fulfill His corporate desire to have a family for Himself, a Bride for His Son, and a dwelling place for the Holy Spirit.  We have been created in the image of Christ and prayer helps mold us into His Express image.  We WERE sinners and we claim HIS sacred Identity, Priesthood and Kingship!   We must deeply believe that our Salvation is progressive, and we must talk to Him, continually, to stay the path!  We are Sons and Daughters of the God of the Universe and we presently reside in the Kingdom of God.  Romans 14:17 (KJV) says: For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit”.

We can’t walk out the path that God intends for us if we’re not listening.  We must incorporate His strategic plan into our own until there is one strategy – HIS!  Jesus Himself was focused on His mission and ignored the bumps in the road that could interfere with fulfilling His destiny.

Another hindrance to intimacy in prayer is our comfort zone. God does not care if we’re successful, He only cares that we’re effective.  The way we mature in God determines our effectiveness.  He will never be found working where we’re comfortable, He will only work in us and through us where we’re uncomfortable.  His delight is our correct response to His pressure. His desire is that we overcome our circumstances and live our lives in vision.



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