A Secret Place - Annie Loup - LionGate Church - Baton Rouge, LA
Mountains and Gardens. As we read the gospels, we see Jesus coming apart from the crowds to spend time alone praying…. communing with the Father. He often stated that He only said and did the things that He heard and saw from the Father. The gospels tell us numerous times that He went “alone into the mountains to pray.” I’ve toured the land of Israel and stood looking upon the Jezreel valley from the precipice from which the angry mob threatened to throw down the Son of Man, stood amazed while gazing out from Mount Carmel, hiked the streams of En Gedi overlooking the Dead Sea. The views from these and other high places throughout the land are spectacular, and from any number of them you get a strange sense that you could see all of Israel laid out before you. The Promised Land. I’ve walked along the shore of the Sea of Galilee, imagining myself walking in the footsteps of the greatest Rabbi to ever grace the face of this earth. I’ve reverently stroked the t...